Hydration pt.2
Today I want to provide you with a little more info on water and also I want to talk to you about sport drinks. Its been proven that cold water is absorbed by the body in the stomach faster than warm water. An even lesser known fact is that the more cold water you drink, the more you lose weight. The reason this is possible is because your body has to expend energy to warm the cold water up to equal your body's temperature.
Either way you can benefit from drinking cold water whether you're attempting to gain or lose weight. Now, let's switch gears here and talk on sports drinks. Its been suggested through recent scientific study that drinks containing about 10% sugar are almost as readily absorbed as cold water. Sugary drinks have also been shown to improve endurance in events or workouts lasting 1-3 hrs. Keep in mind though, if you're attempting to lose weight or burn fat, sugary drinks will provide carbohydrate energy to the working/exercising muscles and stave off fat metabolization for use as energy. So to keep things simple just remember, if your intent is for performance purposes, then consume sports drinks, but if you're attempting to lose weight or burn fat, then drink water only.
The glycogen stored in the muscle will burn out in about 20 mins and that will force the body to use stored fat for continued energy. The biggest benefit of consuming sports drinks is of course electrolytes. Proper hydration combined with electrolytes will provide the body with a good electrical charge with in the body fluids for the transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction, and proper body fluid levels and acid-base fluid balance.
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